English, asked by systemasm9, 11 months ago

What are Radhakrishnan views on world unity


Answered by chetan2222
"The World Community" - Dr.S.Radhakrishnan


“The World Community” by Dr.S.Radhakrishnan is a plea to the great powers of the world to unite under a single umbrella, namely, a world federal government. To achieve this, he enumerates on the dangers posed by nuclear weapons and wars. According to him, world peace is not a dream in a shrinking world. It is a necessity, an essential condition for the survival of the human race. For this, a world federal government is the way out; with powers limited to establishing and maintaining law and order among the nations of the world.

Wars – An Illegitimate Instrument of Politics:

In World War I, of the ten million people who were killed, 95 per cent were soldiers and five per cent were civilians. In World War II, of the fifty million people who were killed, 52 per cent were soldiers and 48 per cent were civilians. In the Korean War, of the nine million killed, 84 per cent were civilians and 16 per cent soldiers. Thus, war has degenerated into mass murder of the defenceless, women and children. It has become an illegitimate instrument of politics.

Dangers Posed by Nuclear Weapons:

Nuclear developments have given enough power to the great countries to annihilate the human race many times over. Politicians have become indifferent to this growing danger. The apathy and indifference among the masses have resulted in a creeping paralysis of the people. The building of nuclear armaments means, the destruction of cities, the ruin of countries, the suffering of millions of human beings and the demoralisation of the world. There is no protection from nuclear weapons through shelters or emergency regulations.

Alternatives for the Military Methods:

In a world, where peace is becoming more and more precarious, the great powers have a special responsibility. William James in a famous essay on “The Moral Equivalent of War” proposed a ‘substitute for war’s disciplinary functions’. It is necessary that we devise alternatives for the military methods. Issues which were hitherto decided through wars should hereafter be decided by peaceful means. In political life, we cannot exclude conflicts altogether.

These have to be settled by a world organisation, an international authority. Kant, in his essay on “Perpetual Peace”, suggested a group of states’. Observing minimal rights of civilised behaviour. He proposed a notion of world citizenship without the support of an overall sovereignty. World control by a single authority is an illusion. A federal solution is the way out, a world community which substitutes the processes of law for armed conflicts. Dharma, in Indian thought means a gathering in, a binding together, integration; adharma, its opposite, is a scattering out, a falling away, disintegration. Thus, a world federal government capable of establishing and maintaining law and order among the nations of the world is a practical way of achieving just and lasting peace.

Pre-requisites for a World Community:

For a world authority to be effective, a world understanding is necessary. We should work for a world community, for, the alternatives are chaos or world tyranny. The Hammurabi code of the Babylonians, and the Egyptian Book of the Dead contain suggestions of the Ten Commandments of the Israelites. One of them reads, “Thou shalt not oppress the stranger for ye were once strangers in Egypt”. Alexander looked upon the whole inhabited world as his fatherland. All good men are of this world; the wicked are the aliens. Ashoka, Harsha, and Akbar represent this view of life. By continually dwelling on the selfishness of others, we ourselves become more selfish. Not by accusing others do we get out of our selfishness, but by purifying ourselves.

Jesus could not accept the primitive morality of an ‘eye for an eye’. ‘Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. Return good for evil. Bless those that curse you’, he said. Professor Max Mueller, who did a great deal for the interpretation of Indian religion to the Western world said that the aim of human existence was a world community. The real force working for world unity is man’s inborn compassion for others. 

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Answered by nafibarli789


“The World Community” by Dr. S. Radhakrishnan is a plea to the great powers of the world to unite under a single umbrella, namely, a planet federal government.


“The World Community” by Dr. S. Radhakrishnan is a plea to the great powers of the world to unite under a single umbrella, namely, a planet federal government. To accomplish this, he enumerates the threats posed by nuclear weapons and battles. According to him, world peace exists not a dream in a shrinking world. It is an essential, an essential condition for the survival of the human race. For this, a world federal government exists as a way out; with powers restricted to specifying and preserving law and order among the nations of the world.

Wars – An Illegitimate Instrument of Politics

In World War I, of the ten million individuals who were killed, 95 percent were soldiers and five percent were civilians. In World War II, of the fifty million people who were killed, 52 percent existed soldiers and 48 percent were civilians. In the Korean War, of the nine million killed, 84 percent were civilians and 16 percent were soldiers. Thus, war has degenerated into mass murder of the powerless, women and children. It has become an unlawful instrument of politics.

Dangers Posed by Nuclear Weapons

Nuclear developments have provided enough power to the great countries to destroy the human race many times over. Politicians own become indifferent to this growing danger. The apathy and indifference among the masses have resulted in a creeping paralysis of the people. The construction of nuclear armaments means, the defeat of cities, the ruin of countries, the suffering of millions of human beings, and the demoralization of the world. There is no security from nuclear weapons through shelters or emergency restrictions.

Alternatives for the Military Methods

In a world, where peace is becoming more and more precarious, the extraordinary powers include a particular responsibility. William James in a famous essay on “The Moral Equivalent of War” suggested a ‘substitute for war’s disciplinary functions’. We must devise options for the military methods. Issues that were hitherto decided through battles should hereafter be decided by peaceful standards. In political life, we cannot exclude disputes altogether.

Pre-requisites for a World Community

For a world authority to be effective, a world understanding is required. We should work for world society, for, the alternatives are chaos or world tyranny. The Hammurabi principle of the Babylonians and the Egyptian Book of the Dead includes recommendations of the Ten Commandments of the Israelites.


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