What are some advantages and disadvantages of a bullock cart?
Advantage:Bullock cart can move various things one place to another place in Bullock cart all making income collection can possess Bullock cart for Themselves.Disadvantage:of the Bullock cart given below.It is very slow in speed and also totally depend upon on the health of Bullock cart.
bullock cart is one of transport system in which used in India as well as in Pakistan ans some other countries like Bangladesh. Bullock cart has a lot of advantages than other transport. We can say it is a cheap transport system than other transport. The bullock carts can move various things one place to another place in bullock carts all making income collection can possess bullock carts for themselves. Disadvantages of bullock cart are given below.
It is very slow in speed and also totally depend opon on the health of bullock.
If the bullock are sick then cart cannot work.
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