What are some similarities and differences between the way the Mughals and the English came to power in India?
According Tumi the mughals and English both came with some positive points,but at the same time,at times negative also.
- positive points of both or you can say the similarities,
both has given us numerous monument or historical buildings we say. that is making today India more proud and more fascinating for tourists.
- the negative points of both you can say the differences,
both dominated us for several period of time. both had been became hindrance for India for becoming a developed country.
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Mughals were invited by Daulat Khan Lodi to fight against Lodi Dynasty whereas English came as a Trader. ... Most Mughals were against Hindu religion wheras Britishers never liked both the religion. Mughals came to India to invade but they settled down here whereas British never able to adopt India as his own land.