Science, asked by TanmayGodfire, 1 year ago

what are the 3r in water explain in detail​


Answered by simmujosan

In today's scenario, where water is becoming a global concern and the world sees a widespread drought in the near future while some places are facing the drought in current situations; it has become very important for each one of us to follow the principles of the 3 R's of Water Conservation - Reduce, Recycle & Reuse ...

Answered by abhishesumesh


good luck for future


⭐3R ⭐(water)⭐ – ⭐Recharge, ⭐Retention⭐ and ⭐Reuse⭐. From Akvopedia. Land, Water and Livelihoods: The Watershed Movement in Tigray. In many areas in the world, people experience periods of water scarcity even though there is enough rainfall and run-off on an annual basis.⭐

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