Social Sciences, asked by nirmithachannagirich, 3 months ago

what are the administrativ reasns for 1857revolt​


Answered by vivek2526


I hope it helps you friend please follow me


Administrative Causes:

The Indians disliked and distrusted the administration of the British. ...

The Judicial system of the British was costly, Mehcanical and involved much time. ...

Under the British the peasants and the landlords suffered equally. ...

The British excluded the Indians from all high civil and military jobs.

Answered by tanujagautam107


plz mark me as brainliest


Administrative Causes - 1857 Revolt


On the basis of various pretexts like misgovernment and the refusal to recognise adoption, the British annexed not only Awadh but many other kingdoms and principalities like Jhansi and Satara. Once these territories were annexed, the British introduced their own system of administration and their own laws. The East India Company made many changes in the administrative policy towards India from 1757 to 1857.

The immediate consequences of the new system of administration were negative for Indians. The complete elimination of Indians from the higher services had the most adverse effect.

Administrative system before the British rule

Before the advent of colonial rule in India, Mughals were the major power ruling in India and administrative system throughout India. Civil laws were mainly guided by religious scriptures e.g. dharmashastras, Shariyat etc., while criminal laws were mostly secular in nature and applied to all the people of the various religious denomination. The language of administration was Persian.

People in India had got used to this set up under the long reign of Mughals. But when British tried to change the existing administrative setup, they received angry reactions from almost all sections of Indian society.

Administrative causes of the revolt of 1857

Resentment against a new administrative system

British, in India, introduced a new administrative system and laws, while replacing the age-old traditional administrative setup. The Indians, in general, did not accept the administrative changes initiated by the British, as most of them were alien in nature and created hardships for the people.

This new administrative set up was held in contempt by people and they looked upon the new administrative features like equality before the law , rule of law etc. with suspicion. Also, these new administrative features were introduced to favour colonial rule in India and were not in sync with the social conditions of India of those times. So, the British were unable to garner support for this new administrative system among the Indian masses.

Exclusion of the natives from high appointments

Efficiency and stability of the Government depend on an accurate knowledge of the manners, customs, habits, hopes and aspirations of the people. But the foreign government cannot possess such knowledge until the people are allowed to participate in the administration of the country.

Many new administrative cadres were created by the British to cater to administrative needs of colonial rule in India. Lord Cornwallis created Indian civil services to organize administrative cadres in India.

However, Indians were excluded from appointments on a post which were higher in the hierarchy as they were reserved exclusively for the Europeans. There was also discrimination in terms of salary paid to Indian officials in comparison to their European counterparts.

This created a sort of disconnect and distrust between the administration and the masses. The English Officials were not accessible and so people could not place their grievances before them. Also, there was a difference in customs and language between them.

These disconnect and distrust between the administrative officials and the Indian masses were a major reason for discontentment among Indians which finally culminated in the uprising in the year 1857.


British tried to replicate their own administrative system in India. But the foreign features of the British system could not work efficiently in India. Their administration was impersonal in character and therefore responsible for many evils such as slowness of proceedings, administrative delays in taking action, frequent changes in policy etc.

The ordinary people were also hit hard by the prevalence of oppression at lower levels of the police, judiciary and the general administration. The police looted, oppressed and tortured the common people at will.

The new courts and legal system were designed to favour the British motives in India and encouraged the rich to oppress the poor. Flogging, torture, and jailing the cultivators for arrears of rent or land revenue or interest on debt were also common.

Biases and prejudices

The feeling of racial superiority of the British was also replicated in administration in India. British officials were partial to their own countrymen and their dependents.

Lack of cordiality shown by the Englishmen towards the Indians, and in particular, the officials treating, the Indians with contempt and ill-treatment was one of the major reasons responsible for the uprising of 1857.


Corruption in administration created many hardships for the poor people who had become disgruntled with the company s administration and wanted things to go back to the way they were before colonial rule.

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