What are the advantages and disadvantages of abacus, Napier bone,slide rule ,binary number and punch cards
Advantages of abacus
Abacus is a tool with beads used to calculate not only the basic arithmetic operation such as: addition, subtraction, multiplication, division but also the decimal points and negative members.
Disadvantages of abacus
Abacus also works as the obstacle in the understanding of maths for the children. It makes them a machine who are capable of calculating in their mind.
Advantages of Napier bone
Napier's bones is basically a multiple table in form of a rod. It is used to calculate the products and quotients of a number. It reduces the long calculations.
Disadvantage of Napier's bones
It required a lot of attention as calculations were done in mind. One mistake could lead to the wrong answering.
Advantages of slide rule
Slide rule is used to calculate not only the basic arithmetic operation such as: multiplication, division but also the exponent, root, logarithm, trigonometry.
Disadvantage of slide rule
One cannot calculate addition and subtraction using slide rule.
Advantage of binary number
It makes the computational error free It reduces the steps for computing any operations. It makes it easy to find place value in coding.
Disadvantage of binary number
It's not readable to all.
Advantage of punch card
It stpres the information of a particular company and is accessed by entering the card into machine.
Disadvantage of punch card
The number of card is more than the amount of data. The storage problem may arise.
Advantages and disadvantages of abacus, Napier bone,slide rule ,binary number and punch cards:
- ‘Abacus’ can help in ‘building up better and faster calculation skills’. It takes ‘too long to calculate’ and ‘hard to learn’.
- ‘Napier's bones’ is used to do ‘addition, multiplication, subtraction, and division’ in an efficient way. Napier's bones requires manual accounting for carries.
- The ‘Slide rule’ not only ‘performs the arithmetic operations’, but also ‘calculates squares’, ‘square roots’, ‘logs’, ‘sine’, ‘cosine’, and ‘tangent calculations’. One disadvantage is the ‘placing of the decimal point’, often by a ‘quick mental approximation’ to the answer.
- A ‘binary number’ is easily represented by ‘electronic devices’. It is ‘difficult to read and write for humans’ because of the ‘large number’ of the ‘binary of an equivalent decimal number’.
- ‘Punch cards’ last longer than other media. They ‘don't lose data’ when ‘exposed to a magnetic field’. They are slow to load. They are ‘susceptible to being damaged by water’ and anything else that destroys paper.
To know more
discuss the advantages and disadvantages of Napier bone
Napier bones had how many rods