What are the advantages and disadvantages of filtration?
advantage by filtration the water gets pure
disadvantage it also removes some useful minerals
Water filtration is cost effective, and it does not require a lot of money to maintain. The odour and taste of the water will improve. Walter filtration also gets rid of chlorine in the hard water. The method also ensures that harmful toxins are removed from the hard water.
Not all germs and contaminants are removed from filtered water. When the process is taking place very, small particles can pass through the membranes used to perform water filtering.
Thorough cleaning and care of the equipment is very vital so that they can carry out the water softening process without any hitch whatsoever.
All the cartridges must be disposed of after the water softening process. These cartridges contain harmful toxins that were purified from the hard water. If they are thrown anyhow they might end up being pollutants to the environment.