What are the advantages of holding together federation?
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Holding Together Federation is one where a large country decides to divide its power between the constituent states and the national government like India, Belgium and Spain. Coming Together Federation involves independent states coming together to form a bigger unit all constituent units have equal power like in USA.
There are two types of federation: Coming together Federation and Holding together Federation.
Federalism has dual objectives of safeguarding and promoting unity of the country and recognizing regional diversity by way of mutual trust and agreement of living together.
Every level is free in its own way to impose taxes and raise funds through remunerative enterprises. Independent Judiciary is the very essence of federalism where the courts have the power to interpret the constitution and the powers of the different levels of government.
Federalism provides constitutional guarantees for the existence and authority of each tier of government. The jurisdiction of each tier is vividly specified in the Constitution.
In specific matters of legislation, taxation and administration, in federalism each tier has its own jurisdiction. Jurisdiction is the legal authority and can be defined in terms of geographical area or subject-matter to which such authority applies. There are two or more tiers or levels of Government: The Central government, The State government and the local self-government.
The key features of Federalism are:
In federal system a state government has power of its own and is not answerable to the central government.
State governments have no separate powers and are answerable to the central government.
There may also be subunits which are under absolute subordination of the central government.
Under Unitary system, there is only one level of government.
Federalism is a system in which the governmental power is divided between a central authority and its various constituent units.
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