What are the biological bases of hunger and thirst needs?
*.Every organism has needs that produce drive and stimulate behaviour. It leads to certain actions towards achieving certain goals and reducing the drive.
*.The stimuli for hunger include stomach contractions, low concentration of glucose in the blood, nerve impulses sent by liver to the brain and external factors like aroma, taste and appearance of food.
*.Thirst occurs due to deprivation of water that leads to loss of water from cells and tissues of the body, drying of the mouth and subsequently causes dehydration. The anterior hypothalamus contains is more vectors that generate nerve impulses as a signal for thirst and drinking in case of cell dehydration.
Biological bases of hunger and thirst needs
Both hunger and thirst are biological needs which are motivated by biological motivation. Biological motivation is triggered by biological motives like neurotransmitters, hormones, and nervous system’.
When a person is hungry, the biological need for food arises which triggers a series of events which motivates him/her to eat more.
Hunger begins with a number of stimuli like the stomach contractions; loss of energy; low levels of glucose, proteins and fats in the body; aroma and taste of the food; time and occasion will increase the desire to for food and will make one feel hungry.
All these stimuli are connected to the feeding-satiety system in the hypothalamus, liver, and other parts. Upon receiving a hunger stimuli, the liver increases metabolism to provide more energy.
This is done by the triggering or lateral hypothalamus (the excitory area) and ventro-medial hypothalamus (control area).
When a person is thirsty, the biological need for water arises which makes him/her to drink water.
Thirst is triggered by stimuli like mouth and throat dryness, external conditions like heat, loss of water from the cells, etc. Cellular water loss triggers the osmoreceptors to generate nerve impulses when a person is thirsty. The combined action of angiotensin, vasopressin etc aids in thirst