What are the characteristics of atoms ?
Atoms are indivisible, smallest particle.
Matter are made up of atoms.which cannot be created and destroyed in chemical reaction.
States of matter is a term which refers to the physical forms in whichmatter exists; solid, liquid and gas. Solids are characterized as havingboth a definite shape and a definite volume. Liquids have definitevolumes but indefinite shapes and are slightly compressible. Gasesare readily compressible and capable of infinite expansion.Atomic weight is defined as the weighted average of the masses of allits natural occurring isotopes.Molecular weight will be the total weight of the individual atoms ofa molecule.A mole is Avogadro's number of any substance.Gram atomic weight is the mass of a mole of atoms.Gram molecular weight is the mass of a mole of molecules, (GMW). The components of an atom are protons, neutrons, and electrons. A protonhas a mass of 1.0 amu and a positive charge (+1). The neutron also has amass of 1.0 amu but is neutral in charge. The electron has a mass of .00055or 1/1835 amu and a negative charge (-1). An atom is classified chemically by the number of protons in its nucleus.