Biology, asked by Anonymous, 1 year ago

What are the difference between darwinism and lamark theory? Write all the difference. No spamming here plz. ​


Answered by faizanfurquan


darwiniam theory based on natural selection

Whareas lamar theory based on inheritance of acquired characters

Answered by yash3374


Hii dear

Here is your answer

Lamarck believed that the evolution of anatomical features resulted from an animal using or not using an organ, causing it to change in some way, and then it could pass that change on to its offspring. If this were true, then a person who’s into body building and wants muscular children could bulk up through a rigorous weight-training regimen, then make babies, and their children should be more muscular because their parent(s) exercised so heavily.

Darwin believed that the evolution of anatomical features results from random variation in the population, with some varieties being more successful than others at producing offspring and therefore passing on the traits that made them successful. Such traits might include greater speed, better camouflage, superior disease-resistance, better abilities to attract a mate and care for their young, etc. Thus, the changes from generation to generation result from differences in reproductive success, not from anything the parents did that changed their bodies.

Lamarck’s theory is summarized in the expression “inheritance of acquired characteristics.” Darwin’s is summarized in the expression “natural selection.” The same principles apply to plants, microbes, and all organisms, of course; I use animal examples because it’s easier to visualize the sort of things one generation does (body building, mate attraction) that might or might not affect the next generation.

I hope this answer help you

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