Biology, asked by shifan56, 1 year ago

what are the difference between ureotelic animal and uricotelic animal


Answered by sirigiricharitha123
1.A ureotelic organism excretes excess nitrogen as urea. It is one of the three major forms of excretion of nitrogenous waste in organisms, the others being ammonotelism and uricotelism.
2.Urea is less toxic than the ammonia excreted by ammonotelic organisms.

1.Animals that excrete a major portion of nitrogenous waste in the form of semi-solid or solid uric acid are called uricotelic animals.
2.e.g. birds, lizards, snakes, terrestrial insects. 

sirigiricharitha123: hmmm
sirigiricharitha123: kkk
shifan56: wht
shifan56: from where do you belong
sirigiricharitha123: byee
shifan56: ohh
sirigiricharitha123: can u please stop chatting
sirigiricharitha123: by
shifan56: ok
shifan56: srry
Answered by singhdivyanshu543

The organism will release their nitrogenous waste in the form of urea such organism are knowns as ureotalic organism for ex human

The organism which release their nitrogenous waste in the fom of uric acid are knouwn as urico talic for ex birds

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