what are the different types of biofuel how are they useful
what are the different types of biofuel how are they useful
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Biofuel Table
Fuel Feedstock
First Generation
Bioalcohol Ethanol Propanol Butanol Starches from wheat, corn, sugar cane, molasses, potatoes, other fruits
Biodiesel Oils and fats including animal fats, vegetable oils, nut oils, hemp, and algae
Green Diesel Made from hydrocracking oil and fat feedstock
what are the different types of biofuel how are they useful
Results in English
क्या वे कैसे उपयोगी होते हैं जैव ईंधन के विभिन्न प्रकार हैं
हिन्दी में नतीजे
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Featured snippet from the web
Biofuel Table
Fuel Feedstock
First Generation
Bioalcohol Ethanol Propanol Butanol Starches from wheat, corn, sugar cane, molasses, potatoes, other fruits
Biodiesel Oils and fats including animal fats, vegetable oils, nut oils, hemp, and algae
Green Diesel Made from hydrocracking oil and fat feedstock