Biology, asked by Anonymous, 1 year ago

What are the disorders of digestive system


Answered by rakshitharakshu6
anal cancer, mouth cancer, ulcers, intenstine cancer,
Answered by Samaira111111
Disorders of digestive system are - jaundice, vomiting ,diarrhoea ,constipation, indigestion.

JAUNDICE - it is the condition in which bile pigments began to secrete through other parts of the body due to their increased accumulation level in the blood. this is occurred due to malfunctioning of the liver so the skin and white portion of sclera of the eyes turns yellow.

VOMITING - it is the Force full throwing out of harmful contents of stomach through the mouth.thus contraction of diaphragm and abdominal muscle is visible. the reflex action of vomiting is controlled by the vomit centre in the medula oblongata of the brain.
the process of vomiting is as follows -
increased salivation→ sweating→ Rapid heart rate →discomfort →nausea (feeling of vomit)→ vomiting (ejection of harmful contents).

DIARRHOEA - it is the condition of abnormal frequency of bobble movement which is act of defecation and increased liquidity of faeces. during diarrhoea the peristalsis movement gets increased due to which the contents of intestine pass through rapidly thus producing the absorption of food and water.

CONSTIPATION - it is the condition of difficult or irregular defecation during which the faeces are retained within the rectum for a longer time than the normal .due to this, more amount of water is absorbed from the faecal matter making it hard and dry to expel it out. during constipation slowing down of peristaltic movement of alimentary canal is visible.

INDIGESTION - in this condition, food is not properly digested by digestive system that leads to a feeling of fullness. the incomplete digestion of food is due to one of the following causes which is inadequate secretion of digestive enzymes and gastrointestinal hormones, food poisoning, over eating, spicy food etc.


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