what are the effect of thermal stresses of a body when its end do not yield and yield by small amount
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thermal strain
PDFhttps://ocw.mit.edu › lecture-notes › unit9
Answer:The operating principle is that – caused by the photoelectric effect – photons striking a photocathode at the entrance window of a PMT produce electrons, which are then accelerated by a high-voltage field and multiplied in number within a chain of dynodes by the process of secondary emission.
The operating principle is that – caused by the photoelectric effect – photons striking a photocathode at the entrance window of a PMT produce electrons, which are then accelerated by a high-voltage field and multiplied in number within a chain of dynodes by the process of secondary emission.
Explanation:The operating principle is that – caused by the photoelectric effect – photons striking a photocathode at the entrance window of a PMT produce electrons, which are then accelerated by a high-voltage field and multiplied in number within a chain of dynodes by the process of secondary emission.