Science, asked by abhinav7043, 11 months ago

What are the effects of cyclones? List a few safety measures that can reduce the loss of life and property


Answered by kandelval
Effects leads many deaths when it occur. destroy natural beauty.
Safety measures.
1.govt should aware for cyclone to take care of people.
2.we should check weather report.
3.we should contribute food and water and first aid box for emergency
Answered by jaijaat2510
The Following are the effect of cyclones-

After the cyclone has passed, devastation often continues. Fallen trees can block roads and delay rescues, with medical supplies, or slow the repairs to electrical lines, telephone towers or water pipes, which could put other lives at risk for days or months. Standing water can cause the spread of disease, and transportation or communication infrastructure may have been destroyed, hampering clean-up and rescue efforts. Nearly two million people have died globally due to tropical cyclones. Despite their devastating effects, tropical cyclones are also beneficial, by potentially bringing rain to dry areas and moving heat from the tropics poleward. Out at sea, ships take advantage of their known characteristics by navigating through their weaker, western half.


If you shelter at home:

Turn off all electricity, gas and water; unplug all appliances.
Keep your emergency kit close at hand.
Bring your family into the strongest part of the house.
Keep listening to the radio for cyclone updates.
If the building begins to break up, shelter under a strong table, bench or heavy mattress.
Beware the calm eye of the cyclone: stay inside until told it is safe to go outside.
Comfort children.
When an official evacuation order is issued:
Act immediately. You and your family should follow directions; seek a public shelter or stay with friends/family further inland or on higher ground.
Check with your neighbours that they have received the updated information.
Turn off all electricity, gas and water; unplug all appliances.
Lock your doors.
Make sure everyone in your household is wearing strong shoes and suitable clothing.
Take your emergency survival kit; commence your evacuation plan.
Visiting from out of town? The local council or emergency agency will let you know your best options for evacuation.
If you cannot take your pets with you, make sure they are in a safe place (garage, laundry, etc). Leave them with food and water. Do not tie them up.
Comfort children.
If you are driving when a cyclone hits, immediately park in an area that is clear of trees, powerlines and water courses. Stay inside your car.
Stay clam. Keep listening to your ABC Local Radio station listen online or via the ABC Radio app, and/or check ABC Emergency's Twitter and Facebook accounts for updates and instructions.
If safe to do so, contact your ABC Local Radio station to tell the listeners what you can see. First-hand and reliable knowledge about what's going on will help the rest of the community. Keep our phone number handy.

Once the cyclone has passed:

Listen to your radio and remain indoors until an official all clear has been given by the authorities.
If you are told to return to your home, do so using the recommended routes only.
Do not go sightseeing.
Check on your neighbours, family and friends.
Get electrical appliances which have been wet-checked before using them.
Boil or purify your water until supplies are declared safe.
Stay away from damaged powerlines, fallen trees and flood water.
If your home has become uninhabitable, contact your local council and ask where you can get help.
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