What are the factors increase deforestation
3 Natural factors affecting deforestation......
Patterns of Human Settlement
1. When the islands were first settled by outside peoples, forests covered a large proportion of the land area. At first, people lived largely from hunting and gathering on forested lands--collecting fruit and nuts, hunting wild game, and using wood for fuel and building shelter. The first inhabitants introduced relatively minor changes to the natural ecosystem. Traditional agricultural practices worked more in harmony than in conflict with the natural systems. Food production methods did not greatly increase levels of erosion and sedimentation and had built-in conservation measures. In the Truk Islands, for example, traditional farmers planted the lower slopes with breadfruit and coconut trees and left the upper slopes left intact. This is an example of a simple agroforestry system that provided soil conservation and protection.
2. Environmental Considerations
The tropical region of the Pacific Islands encompasses a wide variety of vegetation, types of habitats, topography, climatic patterns, and soils. Details are presented in Hadley and Lanly, 1983; King, 1979; and Wadsworth and Mergen, 1980.
The nature of the vegetation that grows naturally or that can be successfully cultivated in a tropical area is largely determined by the local ecosystem and its component factors--climate, soil, and topography. But the vegetation itself influences the formation and nature of the soil, as we shall see later on. Vegetation provides organic matter and protects soil from the effects of rainfall, sunlight, and wind.
3. Climate
A variety of tropical climates results from wind systems and air mass movements. In general, there is a decrease in temperature as one moves from the equator toward the poles. This general pattern, however, is greatly modified by the physical arrangements of continents, land masses, and oceans, as well as by land relief and the type of ground cover. The combination of these variable factors create microclimates, which can be very different from one neighboring area to another.