What are the features of a family?
Distinctive Features of the Family:
Universality: The Family is a universal institutions. ...
Emotional Basis: ...
Limited Size: ...
Nuclear Position: ...
Formative Influence: ...
Responsibility of the Members: ...
Social Regulation: ...
Persistance and Change:
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Some of the important distinctive features of family are as follows:
Family is one of the most important biological units which have profound sociological significance. It occupies a nucleus position in our social structure. It influences the entire life of people in numerous ways. Any change in it brings a lot of changes in social organization. Famous Sociologist Maclver opines that besides the above general characteristics family may have some distinctive features which are as follows:
Image Courtesy : tp.funrahi.com/2012/05/balakrishna-family-marriage-photos-1492.jpg
(1) Universality:
Family is one of the most universal social group. Because it is found in all society, culture and civilization and in all stages of history and is found in all parts of the world. Every human being finds himself or herself within a family.
It is a well known fact that no society, culture, country or civilization has ever existed without some form of family. No other group is so universal like family. In this respect famous sociologist Maclver opines, “It is found in all societies, at all stages of social development and exists far below the human level among a myriad species of animals. Almost every human being is or has been a member of some family.”
(2) Emotional Basis:
Family is based on human emotions, impulses, sentiments, love, affection, sympathy, co-operation etc. Almost all human impulses and emotions are developed in family. All the members of family are bound by some sort of emotional ties which led them to make it an institution of self sacrifice.
(3) Small Size:
The size of a family is very small. As a biological unit it includes those persons who are born in it and are closely related by blood ties or adoption. Accordingly a family includes father, mother and their children. Biological condition demand that the size of family must be small.
(4) Formative Influence:
As a primary group family exercises the most profound influence over its members. Family socializes its members and plays an important role in the development of personality and moulds their character.
It builds their emotion and acts as a nursery of human nature. All the family members learn to obey family rules and regulations. Family teaches all human qualities to its members and greatly influences them.
(5) Nucleolus Position:
Family is the nucleus of all social organization. The whole social structure is built around it. Social life of individual begins from family. Since its origin it acts as the centre of all human activities. It has been performing almost all kinds of functions for the individual. It acts as the primary institutional cell of a society. Different part.’ of social structure owes its origin to family.
(6) Responsibility of the Members:
It is family which teaches the meaning of social responsibility to all its members. Here the child also learns the necessity of co-operation in social life. All the members of family have unlimited responsibilities and a deep sense of obligation towards family as a whole.
As a result they share the sorrow, suffering and pleasure of other members. In family all the members learn the meaning of social responsibility which helps them in later life. In this respect Maclver opines that “In times of crisis men may work and fight and die for their country, but they toil for their families throughout their life.”
(7) Social Rules and Regulations:
Each and every family has its own rules, regulations, customs and traditions which guard it and save it from dangers. Family members learns to obey it. They can’t be violated under any circumstances. Family rules or customs are strictly followed. This saves family from possible disintegration. Every family has own rules relating to marriage which controls the sex desire of people. That is why it is said that it is easy to establish a family but it is more difficult to dissolve it.
(8) Permanent and Temporary Nature:
Nature of family may be both permanent or temporary. Family is considered as both as an association and an institution. As an institution family is permanent and universal in nature but as an association family is temporary in nature. For example when son or daughter marries they establish their own family but the family never totally dissolves
Similarly as an institution family undergoes changes both in its structure and functions from time to time. Hence as an institution family is changeable or transitory but permanent in nature. But as an association it is temporary in nature.
Thus from the above it is concluded that family is the smallest kinship group. It begins with marriage of man and woman and ends with their death and a lot of changes appear in between. However family is a distinct social group which is completely different from others.
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