what are the impact of destruction of forest on cultural diversity
Depletion of forest resources directly or indirectly affects cultural diversity of tribal communities. Tribal communities are solely dependent on forest resources for their livelihood. Destruction of forests leads to their migration into cities. Forests provide food, drink, medicines etc.
(i) Biological loss of forest and wildlife has increasingly marginalised and impoverished many indigenous and other forest dependent communities, who directly depend on various components of the forest and wildlife for food, drink, medicine, culture, spirituality, etc.
(ii) The indirect impact of degradation such as severe drought or deforestation-induced floods, etc., also hits the poor the hardest. Poverty in these cases is a direct outcome of environmental destruction.
(iii) Due to biological loss of forest and wildlife many tribal communities have disappeared.
The biological loss of forest and wildlife are correlated with the loss of cultural diversity because the biological losses have rapidly marginalized and impoverished many indigenous and other forest-dependent communities, who directly depend on various components of the forest and wildlife for food, culture, drink, medicine, spirituality, etc.