English, asked by jaatryaan1167, 10 months ago

What are the lessons for a happy and prosperous new india, from mahatma gandhi? How can you adopt any of these lessons in your own life, as a good citizen? for 10th class


Answered by AryaPriya
Hey mate I am of 8th. I will try to write as 10th
Our Mahatma gave us many teachings. Some of them are
~ Gandhiji wished to build class unity, not class conflict.
~ He taught to work hard with truth and presevernce to achieve our goals as nation and individual itself.
~ He believed in a nation based on equality, free of any disparities based on religion or caste.
~ He taught us to work on ahimsa (non-violence)
If we want to try to adopt any of these lessons, we should begin with self confidence and will power. The best way to develop these is to follow the path of ahimsa.
Non-violence comes to us through doing good continually without the slightest expectation of return. It means positively that you have to be prepared to suffer cheerfully at the hands of all , and will be a time when you will wish ill to no one, not even to those who may have wronged you.
Hope this helps : )

AryaPriya: please mark me BRAINLIEST
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