What are the main purposes of cattle and poultry farming?
Cattles are reared to get milk and meet to sell where as hens are kept for eggs and meet.
The poultry farming sector needs to increase its production to meet the increasing demand for poultry meat. In Indonesia, broilers (chickens bred and raised specifically for meat production) are mostly produced by small and medium scale farms. These farms, often open sheds, offer little biosecurity, have limited access to clean water and have no or insufficient facilities to control temperatures. As a result, the broilers suffer from heat stress and poor health, which contributes to low feed conversion rates, high mortality rates, high use of antibiotics and other veterinary medicines and reduced farm incomes. The average slaughter weight of the birds is well below the optimal weight. A combination of training on improved broiler farming practices and investments in broiler house infrastructure is needed to improve the performance and economic viability of the small and medium scale broiler farming sector.