What are the main strategies that the South African government implements in the fight against HIV and AIDS infections?
South Africa has made huge improvements in getting people to test for HIV in recent years and is now almost meeting the first of the 90-90-90 targets, with 86% of people aware of their status.
The country has the largest ART programme in the world, which has undergone even more expansion in recent years with the implementation of ‘test and treat’ guidelines.
South Africa was the first country in sub-Saharan Africa to fully approve PrEP, which is now being made available to people at high risk of infection
The "main strategies" that the "South African government implements" in the fight against "HIV and AIDS infections" are:
a) Promoting awareness among the students in school and college level.
b) Conducting extensive research in the fields of medical, social, and ethical relation to help people suffering from "HIV and AIDS infection".
c) Giving out medicines and vaccination of HIV and AIDS at lowest cost or free of cost.
d) Involving various national and international governmental and non governmental organisations to take part in the Prevention and cure of HIV and AIDS campaign.