Social Sciences, asked by AustinMoore8534, 10 months ago

What are the major western and eastern culture clusturs?


Answered by Anonymous

Some of the cultures are

The Anglo cluster includes Great Britain, Australia, South Africa (White), Canada (English speaking), New Zealand, Ireland, and the United States. This cluster has a cultural emphasis on Doing Orientation, Individualism, Assertiveness, and Indulgence. And relative cultural de-emphasis on Uncertainty Avoidance and Power Distance. The United States is the highest-scoring nation on Individualism, closely followed by other Anglo countries. The Anglo value profile reflects a high personal goal orientation, where rewards are based on merit, and individual-achievement goals take precedence over family or collective bonds. Within the Anglo cluster, the United States is higher in Doing Orientation and Power Distance than other nations in the cluster. French-Canadian culture is closer to the culture of Western European, particularly France, than Anglo-Canadian culture— a reflection of its historical and linguistic roots.

West Europe

The West Europe cluster includes the nations of Germany (formerly West and East Germany), Austria, Switzerland, Belgium, the Netherlands, Italy, France, Canada (French speaking), Spain, Portugal, Greece, and the Nordic countries of Sweden, Denmark, Finland, and Norway. Overall, West Europe has a cultural emphasis on Individualism and Being Orientation, and a relative cultural de-emphasis on Power Distance. This value profile typifies democratic welfare states, where concern for the environment is high. Within the West Europe cluster, Greece is higher on Doing Orientation, Power Distance, and Collectivism, and France and French-speaking Switzerland are higher on Power Distance.

One of the most interesting findings is the cultural distance between the ‘Western’ industrialised cultures of non–English speaking West Europe and the Anglo cultures. It is too simplistic to clump all developed Western nations together under the label ‘Individualistic’. Although West Europe is Individualistic in the sense that autonomy is emphasised, it differs from the Anglo cluster with its emphasis on Egalitarianism and Being Orientation (fitting into the social and natural world), and a relative de-emphasis on Doing (attempting to control and change the environment). The West Europe cluster involves a selfless concern for the welfare of others and fitting into the natural and social world without striving to change it. The Anglo cultures, however, are exploitative of the natural and social environment. Also, the United States is higher on Power Distance (that is, less egalitarian).

Germanic Europe

As a subset of the West Europe cluster, the Germanic Europe cluster consists of societies that continue to use the German language, and includes the Netherlands, Austria, Switzerland, former West Germany, and former East Germany. Even though East Germany was under communist rule for 40 years, traditional German values remained an integral part of the society. East German culture is closer to West German culture than it is to Eastern European culture, reflecting shared language, history, and traditions not destroyed by communist rule. The Germanic Europe cluster shows high scores for Doing Orientation, Individualism, Uncertainty Avoidance, Future Orientation, and Assertiveness, but low scores for Humane Orientation and Power Distance.

Latin Europe

Another subset of the West Europe cluster, the Latin Europe cluster consists of the regions influenced by Roman culture, which rejected Protestant reforms. It includes Italy, Portugal, Spain, France, Switzerland (French speaking), and Israel. Israel, although not Catholic, is included in this region because it was founded by Jews who migrated from Latin Europe to Eastern Europe to escape religious repression, but Israeli Jews retained their social and business ties to Latin Europe. The Latin Europe culture has high scores for Collectivism and low scores for Humane Orientation.

Nordic Europe

Nordic Europe groups the Scandinavian nations of Finland, Sweden, Norway, and Denmark. This cluster is similar to Germanic Europe, showing strong scores for Uncertainty Avoidance, Future Orientation, Individualism, and Gender Egalitarianism, and weak scores for Power Distance and Assertiveness. Nordic societies emphasise certainty, social unity, and cooperation. They underplay assertive and masculine authority. The highest scores for Gender Egalitarianism are from Nordic countries.

Answered by saraswathy



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