English, asked by sasibro4229, 7 months ago

What are the metaphors in the poem trains by humayun kabir?


Answered by pragnyavengala


A careful study of Indian poetry in English, as a whole, brings out

several strains, the chief of them being pre-occupation with humanism

and faithful representation of life and society. It is their deep sense of

commitment, social awareness, followed by utmost genuinity and sincerity

which bind them together. Moreover it is their individual identity, which

keeps them apart from others. The poets like Humayun Kabir, Saleem

Peeradina, Agha Shahid Ali and S.A.Hamid, though belong to different

period, yet remained true to soil. All of them are Indian and their Indianness

is beyond doubt; their response to the Indian culture and tradition is

remarkable. Humayun Kabir, who belongs to the pre-independence

period, excels himself in exploring the multi-dimensional and fascinating

aspects of Nature.

The poets belonging to this pre independence era period were

fascinated by Romanticism and Humayun Kabir was no exception. For

him nature is a source of inspiration ; the varying moods and emotion get

mirrored against the background of nature. His treatment of nature is

purely romantic and sensuous. He was also affected by Gandhian whirlwind

and in his poetic collection, Mahatma and other Poems, one can witness

the impact of Gandhi and the prevailing political movement on Humayun's


He scrupulously pictures the nature and also is reliable in depicting

the socio-cultural situation. Humayun's poetry is flavoured by myriad


moods of human emotions; union, separation, joy, sorrow, life and

death etc.

The modern period has witnessed a host of new poets whose voices

stand on the literary platform as the most assured voices of the age.

Saleem Peeradina has a distinct place in the realm of Indian English

Poetry. The elements of social awareness and humanism are dealt with

portrayed in his poems very effectively. For him Bombay is not just a

physical location but a human presence. His commitment to the human

life and its surroundings is both spontaneous and unique.

Agha Shahid Ali, an expatriate, a bilingual poet has enriched the

domain of modern poetry by projecting his bygone memories of family,

flashing, fleeting visions of people, knowledge of human relationship and

moreover his poetry is a search of an individual identity. Though an

expatriate, yet Kashmir is dear to him like a beloved and the reminiscence

of his family, the glory and grandeur, of the past and its murky present

occupies a chief place in his poetry. Ali's poetry is full of humanism, and

Indian values, culture and tradition.

S.A.Hamid is also a sensitive poet whose perception of Indian

sensibility is sensitive and simple.

All these poets are faithful to the period to which they belong. They

are fully aware of the contemporary scenario and have discharged their

duties as poets to the best possible extent. It is the social awareness,

humanitarian values, treatment of nature which binds them together into

this category. A close analysis of their poetry will give us a better

understanding of their poetic perceptions and perspectives


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