English, asked by likovishal3135, 11 months ago

What are the methods for conservation of forests ?


Answered by eagamerofficial

Controlled Deforestation

While deforestation cannot be avoided completely, we must look to control it. Young and immature trees should not be felled as far as possible. We must look to avoid large-scale commercial deforestation as well. Adapting practices such as clear-cutting or selective cutting will be beneficial in the long run.

Protect against Forest Fires

Forest fires are the most common and deadly cause of loss of forests. They can start due to natural causes or can be accidents caused by man or even intentional in some cases. Once a fire spreads in a forest it is very difficult to control. Precautions must be taken for such incidents. Making fire lanes, spreading chemicals to control fire, clearing out dry leaves and trees etc.


This is the process by which we plant more trees in the area. We try to increase the forest cover by manual transplantation, or fresh plantation of trees. It is an attempt to balance our ecosystem to reduce the effects of deforestation and environmental pollutions of all types.

Better Farming Practices

Slash and burn farming, overgrazing by cattle, shifting agriculture are all farming practices that are harmful to the environment and particularly to forests. We must keep all these practices under control.

Answered by priya4089
Methods of Forest Conservation:

The following steps should be taken for the conservation of forests:

Regulated and Planned Cutting of Trees:

One of the main reasons of deforestation is commercial felling of trees. According to an estimate, about 1,600 million cubic metres of wood have been used for various purposes in the world. Although trees are considered as perennial resource, when exploited on a very large scale, their revival cannot be possible.

Therefore, cutting should be regulated by adopting methods like:

(i) Clear cutting,

(ii) Selective cutting, and

(iii) Shelter wood cutting.

The clear cutting method is useful for those areas where the same types of trees are available over a large area. In that case, trees of same age group can be cut down in a selected area and then marked for replantation.

In selective cutting only mature trees are selected for cutting. This process is to be followed in rotation. Shelter wood cutting is where first of all useless trees having been cut down followed by medium and best quality timber trees.

The time gap between these cuttings is helpful in re-growth of trees. In regulated cutting only one-tenth of the forest area is selected for use and rotational system is always followed for their protection.

The forest can be managed in such a way that a timber crop may be harvested indefinitely year after year without being depleted. This technique is called the ‘sustained yield’ method adopted by many countries of the world.

Control over Forest Fire:

Destruction or loss of forest by fire is fairly common; because trees are highly exposed to fire and once started it becomes difficult to control. Sometimes, the fire starts by natural process, i.e., by lightning or by friction between trees during speedy winds, while in most cases it is started by man either intentionally or unintentionally.

According to an estimate, during the period from 1940 to 1950, in the US alone, fires consumed an average of 21.5 million acres of timber yearly and as many as 1,175,664 cases of forest fires occurred during 1955 to 1964 period.

Throughout the world, forest fire is common and in most cases they were begun by man. As John D. Guthrie, former fire inspector of US Forest Service has written: “To stage a Forest Fire you need only few things – a forest, the right atmospheric conditions, and a spark either from a lightning bolt or a match in the hands of a fool or a knave. The formula is simple – the larger the forest, the drier the air, the bigger the fool, the bigger the fire you will have”.

In order to save forests from fire it is necessary to adopt latest techniques of firefighting. Some of the fire suppression techniques are to develop three metre wide five lanes around the periphery of the fire, back fires, arrangement of water spray, fire retardant chemicals should be sprayed from back tank and if possible by helicopters. There must be a trained staff of firefighters to control the fire.

Reforestation and Afforestation:

The sustained yield concept dictates that whenever timber is removed, either by block cutting or by selective cutting, the denuded area must be reforested. This may be done by natural or artificial methods. Similarly, any forested land which has been destroyed by fire or mining activities should be reforested. In rugged terrain aerial seeding is the method of choice.

Besides all this, fresh afforestation programmes should be started. New plantations will not only increase the forest cover but also help in making up the eco-balance. For afforestation, selection of trees should be done according to local geographical conditions and care must be taken during initial growth of the trees.

Check over Forest Clearance for Agricultural and Flabitation Purposes:

Most of the present-day agricultural land was once forested and then cleared for the use of agriculture. But now it has reached the stage where further clearance will be dangerous for the entire ecosystem.

There are tribals in some parts of Asia, Africa and South America, where shifting cultivation is still a part of their system of land procurement. According to an estimate, about 40 million sq km of land is used for this purpose by 200 million tribals of the world.

For the conservation of forest, this should be checked and an alternative system should be suggested to them. Similarly, for the development of villages, towns and cities, forest lands have been cleared and this process continues to this day causing loss of forest cover. This also should be checked and green belts around cities should be developed
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