what are the methods of preventing or reducing soil erosion
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It is the removal of thinning of the fertile topsoil from region, due to climate and physical processes. such as high rainfall and wind etc. (soil erosion occur easily where soil is not covered by vegetation)
soil erosion can occur due to water runoff, wind, storm and landslides. other factors are deforestation, overgrazing by animals.
- By intensive cropping
- By providing proper drainage around the fields.
- in hilly areas soil erosion can be prevented by practising terrace farming.
- By planting trees.
- By constructing strong embankments along the river bank.
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The various methods for preventing or reducing soil erosion are:
i. By preventing over grazing.
ii. By planting more and more trees, as the roots of the trees hold the soil in place.
iii. By contour ploughing.
iv. By keeping the vegetation cover on the ground to reduce the effect of wind and water.
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