what are the methods of recharging of groundwater
(1) Direct Surface Recharge Technique (ASANO, 1985).
(2) Direct Subsurface Recharge Technique.
(3) Combination surface-subsurface methods, including subsurface drainage (collectors with wells), basins with pits, shafts, and wells.
(4) Indirect Recharge Techniques.
Answer:the methods of recharging groundwater are as follows:
1. Borewells and Dugwell are used to raise the undergroundwater table by collecting rainwater on the Rooftop of the building which is then diverted by drainpipes to a filtration tank.
2. Recharge Pit excavated into the ground, lined with a brick or stone wall with openings at regular intervals.
3. Percolation Pits ( Soakaway) is a bored hole of up to 30 cm diameter drilled in the ground to a depth of 3 to 10 m