What are the negative factors that cause fearful depletion of flora and fauna?
ExplanationThe negative factors include the following (a) Cutting of forests for developing agriculture. This leads to decline of habitat as well as prey for the wild animals. (b) Depletion of forest resources like wood, bark, leaves, etc for use in manufacture of rubber, medicines, dyes, foodstuffs, etc. (c) River water development projects submerging large forest areas. (d) Development of roads and railway network. (e) Hunting/Poaching of wild animals. (f) Expansion of mining activities. (g) Commercial plantation of certain trees at the expense of other varieties. :
The negative factors that cause such fearful depletion of the flora and fauna are:
(1) Loss during colonial period.
(2) Agricultural expansion.
(3) Large scale development projects.
(4) Human and Natural factors.