What are the operations of data structure?
DATA STRUCTURE : Data structure is a particular way of organising logically related data items which can be processed and a single unit.
The operation performed on data structure are performed on data structure are :-
1) TRAVERSING:- The process of visiting each elements in a data structure is called traversing. It starts from first element to the last element.
2)SEARCHING:- The process of finding the location of each element in a data structure is called searching. It is based on a condition.
3)INSERTION:- The process of adding a new data at a particular position in a data structure is called inserting. The position is identified first and insertion is then done.
4)DELETION:- The process of removing a particular element from the data structure is called deletion.
5)SORTING:- The process of arranging elements of a data structure in an order is called sorting.
6)MERGING:- The process of combining elements of two data structure is called merging.