what are the principles of writing
Use clear language. Use the sort of words you would use in conversation, rather than trying to impress with long or unfamiliar words. ...
Be concise. Avoid lengthy, drawn-out discussion. ...
Be objective. ...
Present the information in the most suitable way. ...
Revise and rewrite. ...
Be specific about what you want the reader to do.
some of the main principles of writing
* First letter always begin from capital later after full stop or the beginning of a new one.
* 1st later of naming words are always written capital
*The uses of articles in proper places where needed.
* The usage of sign of exclamation, comma, question mark etc are necessary (where needed) for better understanding
* The uses of proper tense, adjective, verb , adverbs etc
A Best Written must be
* thaught full
* usage of simple and shorten words
*present of information in a suitable way
* be specific about we write