Biology, asked by kechambers, 1 year ago

what are the pros and cons for sexual seed propagation


Answered by aashi2701
plants are raised from seeds or embryos. When the asexual method was not known, the plants were produced through this method.
Even today papaya, phalsa and guava are being propagated through seeds.


1. It is the simple and cheap method and can be employed by the growers at their own fields.

2. Plants produced are hardy and have strong root system.
3. When the plant cannot be propagated through vegetative means, then it is the only method of propagation.

4. Many commercial cultivars of mango, e.g. Dusehari and Langra and Loquat e.g. Golden Yellow, etc. originated as chance seedlings.

5. Hybridization work depends upon seed germination.

6. Polyembryonic seeds particularly in citrus, e.g. Cleopatra Pectinfera and Jatti khatti have 3-5 embroys per seed. Hence, to rejuvenate the declining clone use of nucellar embryos can be made.

7. The presence of apomixis in some apple species and cleistogamy in grapes can help in the production of true to type seedlings and thus propagation through seeds.


1. Plants raised through seeds have long juvenile period. It takes long time to fruiting.

2. The seedling trees have very deep root system hence the trees attain big size at maturity.

3. The bigger trees compel the growers to plant few trees/ acre. Thus in early years little yield per acre and in latter years trees get intermingled among themselves, producing poor quality of fruits due to shade.

4. Some viruses are seed borne, for example, mosaic in peaches and psorosis in citrus. These viruses perpetuate through seed.

5. Some seedless fruits cannot be propagated through seed. The only method to. produce these plants will be asexual method.

6. The good affect of a rootstock particularly, darkness and early bearing (precocity) cannot be achieved when fruits are propagated through seeds.

7. The improved characteristics of a particular cultivar cannot be perpetuated in plants raised from seeds.

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