English, asked by PAkhil, 11 months ago

what are the qualities that Real Player should have

Aisha2214: The qualitys d player should have I think by my side is be true every time
Aisha2214: Not tell lie
Aisha2214: So u should not be insalted by anyone
Buryamingo1805: I'm not lying
Buryamingo1805: you know who I am


Answered by Buryamingo1805
Real player should have sportsmen spirt,
Also he must help others when they are hurt.
He should have essential features of brotherhood
Answered by RICKY2256
1. They understand the team’s goals. They know how their role supports the team’s goals. They don’t blindly follow orders because somebody told them to.

2. They help and encourage their teammates. They don’t hog the credit for team wins. However, if the team is struggling, they don’t keep their mouth shut about the problems they see only in order to avoid making waves. They tell the truth, even when the coach or someone else doesn’t want to hear it (especially then)!

3. They are honest with their teammates, their leaders and themselves. If one of their ideas is unpopular, they don’t abandon it to fit in with everybody else’s ideas.

4. They keep their commitments. A real team player communicates their own expectations and clarifies other people’s expectations of them.

5. They deliver good news and bad news when it is appropriate to do so. They don’t hide bad news or ignore it only to avoid telling somebody what they aren’t ready to hear.
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