what are the reasons of popularity of lok sangeet or folk music.
Folk songs are important for many reasons.(1.) First of all it tunes down the complexity of modern instrumentation and takes it back to basics; just a guy/gal and his/her guitar. Folk music is important for this reason, it gives the artist an ability to focus on just honing his/her skills on just a couple instruments. Like the Banjo and Guitar, the mandolin and the Lute. It takes it down from all of the hustle and bustle of the world and takes it right back to nature. In fact, a lot of Folk bands par se, Angus and Julia Stone, The Head and the Heart, Sufjan Stevens, and Bon Iver, are Neo-Romanticists. People that really love nature, and everything in it.
The (2) second reason that folk is important, is because it gets you back to your roots. Here in America it is hard for this diverse society to find its roots, and people oft don’t want to find them. But unfortunately, Folk is primarily made up of white Americans, just as the country was at its origin. So racially this genre is divided. Now I’m not saying black people cant make Folk music, I’m just saying they have a different folk music, that traces back to their roots. It’s all about the roots. In Louisiana, Jazz music is the Folk music of the region. Folk music can take many forms, but holistically, it is all music without synthesizers.
Reason (3) deals with Folk music on a global scale. Folk music has been around since country’s gained their independence. So all nations have Folk music. There’s Irish Folk music (which I love), Scottish folk music, just put any country before the two words “folk” and “music” and T.S. a reality. In other cultures people would oft tell stories through song. The Hebrew people would tell of David’s fleeing from Saul in the Psalms, and they’d sing those Psalms as Folk Songs. The genre of Folk is extremely broad and spans every generation of the earth. That is why, Folk music is very instrumental in the way it used today. That is also why I love it so much, and you should love it too. It tells a history story.