what are the significance of Principle quantum number
The numerals, called principal quantum numbers, indicate energy levels as well as relative distance from the nucleus. A 1s electron occupies the energy level nearest the nucleus. A 2s electron, less strongly bound, spends most of its time farther away from the nucleus
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A set of numbers used to provide a complete description of an electron in an atom are known as quantum number.
Principle quantum number
principle quantum number (n) was introduced by Niel's Bohr.
The principal quantum number is a positive integer with value of n = 1,2,3.... ∞
Significance :
The principal quantum number determines the size of the orbit. Radius of nth orbit = 0.529 × 10¯⁸n² cm.
It gives an idea about the number of orbitals present in the shell which is equal to n².
It determines the energy of the orbit.