English, asked by mdadilislam14, 4 months ago

what are the slangs ​


Answered by unicorn276


very informal words and expressions that are more common in spoken language. Slang is sometimes used only by a particular group of people (for example students, young people, criminals) and often stays in fashion for a short time. Some slang is not polite

बहुत अनौपचारिक शब्‍द और मुहावरे जो बोलचाल की भाषा में अधिक प्रयुक्त होते हैं; कभी-कभी इसे छात्र, युवा, अपराधी आदि विशिष्‍ट वर्ग ही इस्‍तेमाल करते हैं (वर्गभाषा), और यह थोड़े समय ही प्रचलन में रहती है, कुछ अपभाषाएँ अशिष्‍ट भी होती हैं; अपभाषा

Answered by 1234wtfh


Language in which the words and phrases are referred to as informal, that is, in which they are used more often in speech than in writing, and which is usually specific to one social context or group of people.

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