What are the the components of the exel Windows
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When you first open Microsoft Excel, you'll see the basic components; an Active cell,Column headings, a Formula bar, a Name box, the mouse pointer, Row headings, Sheet tabs, a Task Pane, Tab scrolling buttons andToolbars. Listed below are descriptions of each component feature.
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Components of MS Excel window
Besides, the usual window components (close box, scrollbars, title bar, etc.), an Excel has several unique elements.
1. Title Bar
2. Menu Bar
3. Standard and Formating Toolbar
4.Formula Bar
5. Worksheets
6. Status Bar
Title bar and menu bar in MS Excel
Title Bar : Title bar is located at the top of the screen. On the title bar, Microsoft Excel displays the name of the workbook, we are currently using. At the top of our screen, we see “Microsoft Excel – Book 1” or a similar name.
Menu Bar: The menu bar is directly below the title bar. The menu begins with the word File and continues with the Edit, View, Insert, Format, Tools, Data, Window and Help.
We use a menu to give instructions to the software. We can point our mouse to a menu option and click the left mouse button then; a drop-down menu opens. We can now use the left and right arrow keys on our keyboard to move up and down the drop-down menu. To choose an option, highlight the item on the drop-down menu and press Enter. An ellipse after the menu item signifies additional options, if we choose that option, a dialog box opens.
Explain the Toolbars in MS Excel window
Toolbars: Toolbars provide shortcuts to menu commands. Toolbars are generally located just below the Menu bar.
These are:
1. Standard toolbar
2. Formatting Toolbar
Standard Toolbar : The standard toolbar located beneath the menu bar has the buttons for commonly performed tasks like adding a column of numbers, printing, sorting, and other operations. Excel let us customize the toolbar or even display multiple toolbars at same time.
Formatting Toolbar: Formatting toolbar, located beneath the standard toolbar, has buttons for various formatting operations like changing text size or style, formatting numbers and placing borders around cells.
What is formula bar ?
Formula Bar : The formula bar is located beneath the toolbar at the top of the excel worksheet. We can use the formula bar to enter and edit worksheet data. The contents of active cell always appear in the formula bar.
When we click the mouse in the formula bar, an x and a check mark appear. We can click the check icon to confirm and complete editing, or the x to abandon editing.
What are Name Box, Active Cell, Fill Handle and Worksheet Tabs ?
Name Box: The name box displays the reference of the selected cells.
Active Cell: The active cell has a dark border around it to indicate our position in the worksheet. All test and number that we type are inserted into the active cell. Click the mouse on a cell to make it active.
Fill Handle: The lower right corner of the active cell has a small box called Fill Handle. Our mouse changes to cross hair when, we are on the fill handle. It helps us copy data and create series of information. For example, if we type January in the active cell and then drag the fill handle over 4 cells, Excel automatically inserts February, March, April and May.
Worksheet Tabs: An excel workbook consists of multiple worksheets. Use the worksheet tabs at the bottom of the screen to navigate between worksheets within a workbook.
How to copy and move data from one cell to another ?
We can copy selected data from one cell to another with the Copy and Paste commands, or with the Drag and Drop procedure. If we want to move data instead, use the Cut and Pastecommands, or the Drag and Drop procedure. These commands and procedures are described below.
Cut: The Cut command extracts the selected data and puts it on the Clipboard, a temporary storage area. The contents of the Clipboard are overwritten with each copy or cut.
Copy: The Copy command puts a copy of the selected data on the Clipboard.
Paste: The Paste command inserts the Clipboard’s contents into the active cell. Selected data is replaced by pasted text.
Drag and Drop: This procedure does not involve the Clipboard and works best, when moving data over a short distance. To move cells, position the mouse on the cell borders. Wait, until the mouse changes to a left-pointing arrow. When the mouse is this shape, press and drags the data to the new location.
Besides, the usual window components (close box, scrollbars, title bar, etc.), an Excel has several unique elements.
1. Title Bar
2. Menu Bar
3. Standard and Formating Toolbar
4.Formula Bar
5. Worksheets
6. Status Bar
Title bar and menu bar in MS Excel
Title Bar : Title bar is located at the top of the screen. On the title bar, Microsoft Excel displays the name of the workbook, we are currently using. At the top of our screen, we see “Microsoft Excel – Book 1” or a similar name.
Menu Bar: The menu bar is directly below the title bar. The menu begins with the word File and continues with the Edit, View, Insert, Format, Tools, Data, Window and Help.
We use a menu to give instructions to the software. We can point our mouse to a menu option and click the left mouse button then; a drop-down menu opens. We can now use the left and right arrow keys on our keyboard to move up and down the drop-down menu. To choose an option, highlight the item on the drop-down menu and press Enter. An ellipse after the menu item signifies additional options, if we choose that option, a dialog box opens.
Explain the Toolbars in MS Excel window
Toolbars: Toolbars provide shortcuts to menu commands. Toolbars are generally located just below the Menu bar.
These are:
1. Standard toolbar
2. Formatting Toolbar
Standard Toolbar : The standard toolbar located beneath the menu bar has the buttons for commonly performed tasks like adding a column of numbers, printing, sorting, and other operations. Excel let us customize the toolbar or even display multiple toolbars at same time.
Formatting Toolbar: Formatting toolbar, located beneath the standard toolbar, has buttons for various formatting operations like changing text size or style, formatting numbers and placing borders around cells.
What is formula bar ?
Formula Bar : The formula bar is located beneath the toolbar at the top of the excel worksheet. We can use the formula bar to enter and edit worksheet data. The contents of active cell always appear in the formula bar.
When we click the mouse in the formula bar, an x and a check mark appear. We can click the check icon to confirm and complete editing, or the x to abandon editing.
What are Name Box, Active Cell, Fill Handle and Worksheet Tabs ?
Name Box: The name box displays the reference of the selected cells.
Active Cell: The active cell has a dark border around it to indicate our position in the worksheet. All test and number that we type are inserted into the active cell. Click the mouse on a cell to make it active.
Fill Handle: The lower right corner of the active cell has a small box called Fill Handle. Our mouse changes to cross hair when, we are on the fill handle. It helps us copy data and create series of information. For example, if we type January in the active cell and then drag the fill handle over 4 cells, Excel automatically inserts February, March, April and May.
Worksheet Tabs: An excel workbook consists of multiple worksheets. Use the worksheet tabs at the bottom of the screen to navigate between worksheets within a workbook.
How to copy and move data from one cell to another ?
We can copy selected data from one cell to another with the Copy and Paste commands, or with the Drag and Drop procedure. If we want to move data instead, use the Cut and Pastecommands, or the Drag and Drop procedure. These commands and procedures are described below.
Cut: The Cut command extracts the selected data and puts it on the Clipboard, a temporary storage area. The contents of the Clipboard are overwritten with each copy or cut.
Copy: The Copy command puts a copy of the selected data on the Clipboard.
Paste: The Paste command inserts the Clipboard’s contents into the active cell. Selected data is replaced by pasted text.
Drag and Drop: This procedure does not involve the Clipboard and works best, when moving data over a short distance. To move cells, position the mouse on the cell borders. Wait, until the mouse changes to a left-pointing arrow. When the mouse is this shape, press and drags the data to the new location.
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