what are the Tropical Grassland called in Brazilian and plateau ,orinoco batsin, Central African region and south African plateau?
The tropical grassland is called Llanos in orinoco basin,campos in brazilian plateau and savanna in central African region.
Answer: Tropical grassland of Brazilian called Campos, the Central African region is called savanna, the south African region is called veld, and the tropical grassland of Orinoco batsin is called llanos.
Grassland refers to a region where grasses form a dominant type of plant life. it is almost a quarter of the total land surface.
Tropical Grassland occurs and extends to the tropics or either side of the equator. The grass grows 3 to 4 meters height tall. Savanna grassland is an example of this grass. In the area of moderate and low amounts of rainfall, the vegetation grows well.
Grassland has different names in different regions. The example of animals in tropical grassland are-
- Zebra
- Giraffe
- Leopard
- Elephants
- Deer
To know more about the tropical grassland in Brazil, click on the below link
To know more about the other name of tropical grassland, click on the below link