English, asked by aarti225566, 1 month ago

❥What are the two Legends about the discovery of tea ?

❥Why did the poet not offer the boy money to buy another ball ?

Word Limit = 40 - 50 Words


Answered by jenny035


  • There are two legends that are associated with the origin of tea. The first one is about a Chinese emperor who used to drink boiled water. One day a few leaves of the twigs fell into the boiling water and they gave it a delicious flavour. It is said that they were tea leaves.The other is an Indian legend.
  • He does not want to disturb the boy as he wants him to feel what it is like to lose something. The poet wants him to be able to cope with his loss. He does not offer him 'money' to buy another ball because he wants the boy to understand that money cannot buy everything.
Answered by patelalkaben141976


There are many legends or stories about the discovery and origin of tea. According to a story, the tea was discovered in China. The Chinese Emperor used to drink boiled water. Once while boiling it, few leaves of a twig burning under the pot fell into it. The Emperor found the flavour delicious. Those were later named as tea leaves. Another legend says that an ancient Buddhist ascetic, Bodhidharma, cut off his eyelids when he felt sleepy during meditation. Ten tea plants grew out of his eyelids. Thus, the tea was discovered.The two legends who discovered tea were 1) a chinese empror who always boil water before drinking it. One day when he was boiling water some twigs leavea burning under the pot fell into it and its tate was delicious and those leaves were later came to be known as tea leaves. 2) we have an indian legend too and he is a buddist ascetic name Bodhidharma cut off his eye lid because he felt slept at the time of meditation and threw them away ten tea plants grew from his eye lid . In this way tea was discovered.


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