What are the type of tag in html?
HTML tag: It is the root of the html document which is used to specify that the document is html. Head tag: Head tag is used to contain all the head element in the html file. It contains the title, style, meta, … etc tag.Title tag: It is used to define the title of html document.
HTML uses various tags to create the structure of the web page. Every tag is written inside angular brackets <>. Almost every tag also has a corresponding closing tag. Tags are also known as elements.
Tags are of two types-
Container Tags/Elements
Empty Tags/Elements
The tags are discussed below:
<!DOCTYPE html>
This tag is used to tell the web browser that the following text document is a HTML document. There's no need to mention the HTML version.
This tag comprises of the complete HTML document and everything in a HTML document needs to be written inside these angular brackets.
This tag is used for document's header.
This tag is used to mention the title of the document and is placed inside <head> tag.
<body> This tag consists of body of HTML document. It includes other HTML tags like <h1> and <p>.
This tag represents the main heading of the document. A document can have multiple headings and can be denotes as <h2>, <h3>,...,etc.
This is a container element and is used to represent the paragraph of the HTML document.