What are the types of courts present in India? Explain their functions.
There are mainly three types of court in India
3.District court
Our judiciary system which is prevailing in our country made the court system. It follows the difference of applicability and can help the people according to their needs on merit basis. There are three types of courts on this basis which are:
Supreme Court- Supreme court is the topmost level of the Court which has the supreme power to tackle or challenge the decisions taken by the High Courts and the District Courts. The Supreme Court was established as per Part V, Chapter IV of the Constitution of India.
High Courts- High Courts are the second most powerful courts in the Judiciary of India and every state of India has a High Court. High Courts are run by the Article 141 of the India constitution.
District Courts- These district courts are formed considering various facts like population density, number of cases registered, and so on. These courts work on district level.