What are the types of microprocessors ?
Microprocessors are classified into five types, namely: CISC-Complex Instruction Set Microprocessors, RISC-Reduced Instruction Set Microprocessor, ASIC- Application Specific Integrated Circuit, Superscalar Processors, DSP's-Digital Signal Microprocessors.
Microprocessors are classified into five types, namely: CISC-Complex Instruction Set Microprocessors, RISC-Reduced Instruction Set Microprocessor, ASIC- Application Specific Integrated Circuit, Superscalar Processors, DSP's-Digital Signal Microprocessors.
5 kinds
kindsTypes of microprocessor:
kindsTypes of microprocessor: There are basically 5 kinds of microprocessors namely Complex Instruction Set Microprocessors, Reduced Instruction Set Microprocessor, Superscalar Processors, The Application Specific Integrated Circuit, Digital Signal Multiprocessors, etc.