What are the uses of Dihydrogen ??
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=> It is used as a reducing agent in the laboratory and industry. In metallurgical processes, it is used to reduce heavy metal oxides to metals.
=> It is used in the manufacture of vanaspati fat oils like soyabean , cotton seeds etc.
=> The most important use of dihydrogen is in the manufacture of ammonia by Haber process.
=> it is used in the preparation of many compounds such as metal hydrides, hydrogen chloride, water gas, methanol and fertilizers such as urea etc.
=> It is also used as a rocket fuel for space programs and research..
Hope it helps you out ツ
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It is used as rocket fuel because of its high calorific value.
Oxy-hydrogen blow torch is used for cutting and welding purposes uses dihydrogen and pure oxygen. ...
Dihydrogen is also used in the synthesis of ammonia by Haber's process to manufacture nitric acid and nitrogenous fertilisers.
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