What are the uses of LPG
LPG commonly is used as fuel for gas barbecue grills and gas cooktops and ovens, for gas fireplaces, and in portable heaters. In Europe, LPG water heaters are common. It is also used as an engine fuel and for backup generators. Unlike diesel, LPG can be stored nearly indefinitely without degradation
It was used as early as 1860 for a portable fuel source, and its production and consumption for both domestic and industrial use have expanded ever since. A typical commercial mixture may also contain ethane and ethylene, as well as a volatile mercaptan, an odorant added as a safety precaution.
General Area of Use Specific Applications
In Homes
Cooking, Hot Water, Heating, BBQ
Electricity Generation Generators, Gas Turbines, Co-gen & Tri-Gen
Leisure Boats, Recreational Vehicles
Camping Caravan Parks, Camp Grounds, Camping
Hospitality Industry Hotels, Restaurants, Clubs, Pubs
Transportation Autogas, Taxis, Buses, Commercial Vehicles
Business & Industry Boilers, Forklifts, Ovens, Furnaces
Agriculture Crop Drying, Greenhouses, Flame Weeding
Livestock Dairies, Poultry Sheds, Piggeries
Fun Hot Air Balloons, Ice Rink Resurfacing
And More Many, Many More...