Computer Science, asked by mahathi47, 8 months ago

what are the valid data types in Excel​


Answered by iloveyou143luv


Data type Length Description

BYTE 1 byte Number from 0 to 255 for storing binary data

INTEGER 2 Integer from -32 768 to 32 767.

LONG 4 Integer from -2 147 483 648 to 2 147 483 647

SINGLE 4 Numeric data type with float precision to 6 decimal digits

DOUBLE 8 Numeric data type with float precision with double precision in calculatons

CURRENCY 8 A number with fixed 4 decimal digits

DECIMAL 14 Numeric data type with fixed precision and scale (accuracy upto 28).

STRING   Text strings. Flexible length or 64 kilobytes

BOOLEAN 2 Logical value (true or false)

DATE 8 The date in the range from 1.1.100 to 31.12.9999

OBJECT 4 Reference to an object.

VARIANT 16 Basic type. May contain special value Null, numeric value, text, reference to object or variable array.


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