What are the various features of Adobe photoshop?
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What are the various features of Adobe photoshop?
There are Various Features Like
1) Document navigation
• Tab will hide your palettes and tools., Shift + Tab only hides the palettes.
• Rolling the cursor to the edge of the screen while the palette and tools are hidden reveals them (move away to hide).
• Control + Tab will cycle though all open documents.
• The Page Up and Page Down keys move you one full screen up or down one full screen.
• Command (Mac) / Control (Win) + Page Up and Page Down moves left or right one full screen.
• The Home key moves to upper left corner, the End key moves to lower right.
• Use Window > Arrange to “Match Zoom”, Match Location” or” Match Zoom and Location” in all open documents.
2) Cropping
• To use the Crop tool to add canvas to your image, drag out a crop and release the mouse. Then, drag the crop handles outside of the
image area and apply the crop. The area outside of the image will be added to the canvas. Note: to add transparency around the image
(instead of filling the added space with the background color) convert the Background into a layer by selecting Layer > New > Layer From
Background (or by double clicking on the word Background in the Layers palette).
• When adding additional images to a document, you can use Image > Canvas Size and enter the value. Or move the images into position
and choose Image > Reveal All to have Photoshop automatically increase the canvas to include all “hidden” images information.
• To remove extra pixels or transparency from around an image, choose Image > Trim.
• You can use the selection marquee to select a area, then choose Image > Crop.
• To eliminate information outside or beyond the visible image area (possibly decreasing file size), choose Select All > Image > Crop.
• To use the dimensions of one image to crop another, select the document with the desired crop (width, height, and resolution) and click
the “front image” button in the Options bar. This will enter the height, width and resolution for the document in the Options bar. Then,
switch to the document that needs to be cropped and use the Crop tool. The aspect ration will be constrained while dragging the crop
and, when applied, the image will be resized to the desired width, height and resolution.
3) Layers and Groups
• Option (Mac) / Alt (Win) -drag to duplicate a layer(s) or layer Group(s) in the Layers palette. Select the layer(s)/Group(s) and drag until yo
see a heavy black line between the layers and release.
• Apply layer layer masks to a Group by targeting the Group and clicking the add layer mask icon from the Layers palette. Not only can this
be used to add a single mask to multiple layers, but also to add multiple layer masks or vector masks to images using nested Groups.
• Groups have their own Blend mode - Pass Through which allows blending and transparency options to pass through the group. To isolate
the blending of layers within a group, change the Group’s blend mode to Normal.
• To delete a Group, select Layer > Delete > Group or, on the Layers palette, with the Group selected, click the trash can icon. Either method
displays a dialog with the option to delete the “Group and Contents”, “Group Only”, or “Cancel”. To delete the Group and all of it’s contents
while bypassing the dialog (on the Layers palette), drag the Group to the trash can icon.
Command (Mac) / Control (Win) -drag a Group to the trash can icon to delete a Group without deleting it’s contents.
• Option (Mac) / Alt (Win) + Layer > Merge Group (with a layer Group targeted in the Layers palette) to create a flattened copy of the
contents of the Layer set on a new layer. Note: you can also use the Merge Group command from the Layer palette’s flyout menu.
4) Tool presets and the preset manager
• Tool presets (for the currently selected tool, or for all of the tools), can be accessed at any time from either the Options bar, or the Tool
Presets palette. To create a tool preset, set up the options for your tools, then click on the tool presets icon (in the upper left of the options
bar) and save the preset. Use the Current Tool Only check box on the Tool Preset palette to view only those presets available for the cur-
rently selected tool. When saving a brush as a tool preset, not only does Photoshop CS3 save all of the options in the Options bar (such
as opacity, blend modes, etc), it will also save the foreground color if you choose to.
• To reorder the brushes in the Brushes palette, select Edit > Presets Manager. Select Brushes for Preset Type, then drag and drop the brush
icons into the correct order. Note: this shortcut also works with any of the preset lists. Preset thumbnails can be deleted in the preset
manager by Option (Mac) / Alt (Win) -clicking on an item.
What are the various features of Adobe photoshop?
There are Various Features Like
1) Document navigation
• Tab will hide your palettes and tools., Shift + Tab only hides the palettes.
• Rolling the cursor to the edge of the screen while the palette and tools are hidden reveals them (move away to hide).
• Control + Tab will cycle though all open documents.
• The Page Up and Page Down keys move you one full screen up or down one full screen.
• Command (Mac) / Control (Win) + Page Up and Page Down moves left or right one full screen.
• The Home key moves to upper left corner, the End key moves to lower right.
• Use Window > Arrange to “Match Zoom”, Match Location” or” Match Zoom and Location” in all open documents.
2) Cropping
• To use the Crop tool to add canvas to your image, drag out a crop and release the mouse. Then, drag the crop handles outside of the
image area and apply the crop. The area outside of the image will be added to the canvas. Note: to add transparency around the image
(instead of filling the added space with the background color) convert the Background into a layer by selecting Layer > New > Layer From
Background (or by double clicking on the word Background in the Layers palette).
• When adding additional images to a document, you can use Image > Canvas Size and enter the value. Or move the images into position
and choose Image > Reveal All to have Photoshop automatically increase the canvas to include all “hidden” images information.
• To remove extra pixels or transparency from around an image, choose Image > Trim.
• You can use the selection marquee to select a area, then choose Image > Crop.
• To eliminate information outside or beyond the visible image area (possibly decreasing file size), choose Select All > Image > Crop.
• To use the dimensions of one image to crop another, select the document with the desired crop (width, height, and resolution) and click
the “front image” button in the Options bar. This will enter the height, width and resolution for the document in the Options bar. Then,
switch to the document that needs to be cropped and use the Crop tool. The aspect ration will be constrained while dragging the crop
and, when applied, the image will be resized to the desired width, height and resolution.
3) Layers and Groups
• Option (Mac) / Alt (Win) -drag to duplicate a layer(s) or layer Group(s) in the Layers palette. Select the layer(s)/Group(s) and drag until yo
see a heavy black line between the layers and release.
• Apply layer layer masks to a Group by targeting the Group and clicking the add layer mask icon from the Layers palette. Not only can this
be used to add a single mask to multiple layers, but also to add multiple layer masks or vector masks to images using nested Groups.
• Groups have their own Blend mode - Pass Through which allows blending and transparency options to pass through the group. To isolate
the blending of layers within a group, change the Group’s blend mode to Normal.
• To delete a Group, select Layer > Delete > Group or, on the Layers palette, with the Group selected, click the trash can icon. Either method
displays a dialog with the option to delete the “Group and Contents”, “Group Only”, or “Cancel”. To delete the Group and all of it’s contents
while bypassing the dialog (on the Layers palette), drag the Group to the trash can icon.
Command (Mac) / Control (Win) -drag a Group to the trash can icon to delete a Group without deleting it’s contents.
• Option (Mac) / Alt (Win) + Layer > Merge Group (with a layer Group targeted in the Layers palette) to create a flattened copy of the
contents of the Layer set on a new layer. Note: you can also use the Merge Group command from the Layer palette’s flyout menu.
4) Tool presets and the preset manager
• Tool presets (for the currently selected tool, or for all of the tools), can be accessed at any time from either the Options bar, or the Tool
Presets palette. To create a tool preset, set up the options for your tools, then click on the tool presets icon (in the upper left of the options
bar) and save the preset. Use the Current Tool Only check box on the Tool Preset palette to view only those presets available for the cur-
rently selected tool. When saving a brush as a tool preset, not only does Photoshop CS3 save all of the options in the Options bar (such
as opacity, blend modes, etc), it will also save the foreground color if you choose to.
• To reorder the brushes in the Brushes palette, select Edit > Presets Manager. Select Brushes for Preset Type, then drag and drop the brush
icons into the correct order. Note: this shortcut also works with any of the preset lists. Preset thumbnails can be deleted in the preset
manager by Option (Mac) / Alt (Win) -clicking on an item.
Answered by
The various features of Adobe Photoshop are :-
- Layers and Groups
- Cropping
- Creating New Files
- Layers Panel
- Menu Bar
- Toolbox
- Options Bar
- Color Panel
- Adjustments Panel
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