. What are two descriptive details the author uses to describe the New World?
Descriptive details allow sensory recreations of experiences, objects, or imaginings. In other
words, description encourages a more concrete or sensory experience of a subject, one that
allows the reader to transport himself or herself into a scene. Writing that lacks description is in
danger of being vague or overly general.
There are many different uses of descriptive detail. Although most commonly associated with
creative writing, description enhances a wide variety of subjects. Writing that effectively uses
descriptive detail will allow a reader to do more than merely see words on a page. Original
description gives writing a sense of honesty and believability, while concise details can help
enhance your focus. Descriptive details cause a reader to feel, to hear, to taste, to become
intimately connected with the images and experiences being recreated. There are many different
ways in which descriptive detail can be included in writing. Whether to describe, persuade,
illustrate or demonstrate, the descriptive details you include in your writing should serve a
purpose not just pad your writing with more words.
Sensory Detail
It is important to remember that human beings learn about the world through using the five
senses. They are our primary source of knowledge about the world. Therefore, writing which
incorporates vivid, sensory detail is more likely to engage and affect the reader. The following
writing sample uses sensory detail to create concrete images. Because the most effective way to
incorporate sensory detail is to use all five senses in harmony, this sample provides an effective
example of how sight, sound, smell, touch, and taste work together to strengthen writing.