what are weeds? how we can control them
What are weeds ?
How can we control them ?
Weeds are unwanted plants in the cultivated fields. They are plants other crops. Weeds tend to compete with crops for food , water , nutrients , space and light .
The process of removing weeds is called weeding
☆ Methods to control weeds :-
A) Mechanical methods - Weeds may be pulled with our hand. Ploughing helps in removing as they uproot majority of them.
The weeds are removed manually by using a trowel ( Khurpa )
B) Cultural Methods - They include - proper bed preparation , timely sowing of crops , intercropping , crop rotation .
C) Chemical methods - Chemical weed killers , called herbicides are sprayed on weeds to destroy them.
Example of weedicides - Atrazine , fluchioralin , isoproturon.
D) Biological Control - Biological Control of weeds involves the deliberate use of insects or some other organisms which consume and specifically destroy the weed plants.