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India is a democratic and even prosperous country where people live together in unity and diversity. India is a country where people struggle a lot for their livelihood and even for one time food and basic needs and all. India can help the world in developing and even economical way because India is even developing a lot since many years to become a developed country. We are developing in all the aspects like agriculture, economic, technology and other aspects also. We can from our side help a lot and contribute a lot to this world because we are also trying to develop a lot because we can contribute at least 25% from our side because India had having the second largest population and even we are hard workers all day long working in the hot sun for the money which don't even will fill our stomach even half way. We Indian's can help out the world in many ways of development like technology and even agricultural wise because India is too much good at technology and even Indian people mostly 55% people depend on the agricultural fields. We can even help the world in trading and exporting process because India has many highly qualified and even international level sea ports where the trade process can happen a lot. Even India is rich in many of the natural minerals like gold, iron ore and even India is having many steel plants in it. Here India can contribute so much to world and it's development. We all Indians are striving hard for our own development in this path way where the development can happen in our country we can even try hard to do so much for our world and even it's globalization. Indian factories, industries development goes in a level headed manner but this way is really awesome to ensure that the aspect is developing or not. This way / method is really sociable because the interaction between the different types of aspects or level's in that aspect will come together under one shed for one aspects total development. As I said before also India and Indian people can do so many things in different aspects to the world and even it can help out in over all development of that aspect which India was trying to work out to develop it.
I answered this question before also so I could answer is fast plz don't doubt me (:
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Being such a large and diverse country, India faces many indigenous
problems too. With more population density, the problem of poverty is
increasing exponentially. This one problem is the mother of many vices
like corruption, lack of opportunities, dearth of food and
underdevelopment of many areas. Being a secular country which accepts
all religions and treats them as one, India is currently facing a lot of
stress because of the want of each religion to prove itself superior to
the rest. It is necessary for us, Indians, to uproot these vices from
its very root so that we all together can take India from a developing
nation to a developed one. Only when the internal strain in the country
is released, it can think of a holistic progress in the world.
India has the resources, intellect and capability to be a world leader. It is bestowed with fertile soil and numerous perennial rivers which facilitate the growth of numerous crops. India is one of the leading producers of cotton. By utilizing its indigenously produced raw material and abundantly available labor, it can become the leading exporter of cotton cloth and textile industry. By developing the tourist places like the cities in the lap of the Himalayas or the backwaters of Kerala, India will be able to boost tourism industry and bring in foreign currency. There are many historical sites in India but they are not well maintained and not commercially advertised. If due attention is given to such places, India can definitely attract more tourists from all around the world. With the increase in the inflow of foreign currency, India will become economically stable; and with economic stability comes the development and progress of a nation.
India has the resources, intellect and capability to be a world leader. It is bestowed with fertile soil and numerous perennial rivers which facilitate the growth of numerous crops. India is one of the leading producers of cotton. By utilizing its indigenously produced raw material and abundantly available labor, it can become the leading exporter of cotton cloth and textile industry. By developing the tourist places like the cities in the lap of the Himalayas or the backwaters of Kerala, India will be able to boost tourism industry and bring in foreign currency. There are many historical sites in India but they are not well maintained and not commercially advertised. If due attention is given to such places, India can definitely attract more tourists from all around the world. With the increase in the inflow of foreign currency, India will become economically stable; and with economic stability comes the development and progress of a nation.
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