What changes add iron fillings+ sulphur powder+ corbon di suulphide?
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Real Lab Procedure:
Preparation of mixture using iron filings and sulphur powder:
Take about 14g of fine iron filings and 8g of sulphur powder in a big petridish or a beaker. Mix them well to prepare a mixture of iron filings and sulphur powder. Label the mixture A.
Preparation of compound using iron filings and sulphur powder:
Take about 14g of fine iron fillings and 8g sulphur powder in a china dish. Mix them well and heat the contents of the china dish, first gently, then strongly. Stir it constantly till a black mass, i.e., compound of sulphur and iron is formed. When a black mass is formed, cool it and powder the black mass. Label the compound powder as B.
To distinguish between the iron filings and sulphur powder mixture and compound on the basis of:
Appearance: Homogeneity and Heterogeneity:Take some powder A (iron filings and sulphur powder mixture) in one watch glass and mixture B black mass (compound) powder in another watch glass. Observe both of them carefully. Record your observations in a table.
Behaviour towards magnet: Place a small quantity of mixture: A in a watch glass and move a magnet over it.
Place a small quantity of B (black powder) in another watch glass and move the same magnet over it. Examine the movement of the magnet and record your observations.
Action of Carbon Disulphide:Take a small quantity of A in a watch glass and add 1ml of carbon disulphide (CS2) to it. Observe the mixture for some time and then record your observations.
Take a small quantity of compound B in another watch glass and add 1ml of CS2 to it. Observe the compound for some time and record your observations.
Effect of Heat: Take a small quantity of mixture A in a test tube and heat it. Observe the change in the mixture after some time.
Take a small quantity of compound powder B in a test tube and heat it for the same period as powder A was heated. Observe the change
Effect of heating with dil. HCl:Take a small quantity of mixture A in a test tube and add few drops of dil. HCl into it. Then heat the contents of the test tube gently and collect the gas formed in another test tube. Then bring a glowing match stick near the mouth of the test tube in which gas is collected and record your observations.
Now take a small quantity of compound B in a test tube and add few drops of dil. HCl into it. Then heat the contents of the test tube gently and pass the gas evolved through copper sulphate solution taken in another test tube and record your observations.

Real Lab Procedure:
Preparation of mixture using iron filings and sulphur powder:
Take about 14g of fine iron filings and 8g of sulphur powder in a big petridish or a beaker. Mix them well to prepare a mixture of iron filings and sulphur powder. Label the mixture A.
Preparation of compound using iron filings and sulphur powder:
Take about 14g of fine iron fillings and 8g sulphur powder in a china dish. Mix them well and heat the contents of the china dish, first gently, then strongly. Stir it constantly till a black mass, i.e., compound of sulphur and iron is formed. When a black mass is formed, cool it and powder the black mass. Label the compound powder as B.
To distinguish between the iron filings and sulphur powder mixture and compound on the basis of:
Appearance: Homogeneity and Heterogeneity:Take some powder A (iron filings and sulphur powder mixture) in one watch glass and mixture B black mass (compound) powder in another watch glass. Observe both of them carefully. Record your observations in a table.
Behaviour towards magnet: Place a small quantity of mixture: A in a watch glass and move a magnet over it.
Place a small quantity of B (black powder) in another watch glass and move the same magnet over it. Examine the movement of the magnet and record your observations.
Action of Carbon Disulphide:Take a small quantity of A in a watch glass and add 1ml of carbon disulphide (CS2) to it. Observe the mixture for some time and then record your observations.
Take a small quantity of compound B in another watch glass and add 1ml of CS2 to it. Observe the compound for some time and record your observations.
Effect of Heat: Take a small quantity of mixture A in a test tube and heat it. Observe the change in the mixture after some time.
Take a small quantity of compound powder B in a test tube and heat it for the same period as powder A was heated. Observe the change
Effect of heating with dil. HCl:Take a small quantity of mixture A in a test tube and add few drops of dil. HCl into it. Then heat the contents of the test tube gently and collect the gas formed in another test tube. Then bring a glowing match stick near the mouth of the test tube in which gas is collected and record your observations.
Now take a small quantity of compound B in a test tube and add few drops of dil. HCl into it. Then heat the contents of the test tube gently and pass the gas evolved through copper sulphate solution taken in another test tube and record your observations.
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