Physics, asked by Jawnag1999, 10 months ago

What conclusion can you make with the help of following graphs!



Answered by harsha72245

distance is in uniform motion and displacement is in non uniform motion

harsha72245: but in this case it is
ardrataji49: How can you tell that
ardrataji49: In the first case the speed is constant and in the second case speed is non uniform
harsha72245: bcz the 1st it is straight means distance is always straight and in 2nd it is non uniform and displacement is always non linear
ardrataji49: What do you mean by distance is straight??
harsha72245: it is linear stupid
ardrataji49: Hello ur answer is purely wrong the first graph just implies uniform speed and the second one implies the non uniform speed
harsha72245: so my ans is also same
harsha72245: read it carefully
ardrataji49: How can a speed time graph represent distance in all case
Answered by anuvansh98


1 . the body is moving with uniform acceleration

2 the body is moving with non uniform acceleration.

manishashrivaspedx10: no brother the first graph is uniform motion graph
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